Annual Reports

2023 Annual Report

Analysis provided by Canada Life Following one of the most challenging years in recent history, the markets started 2023 with the same kinds of pressures including high inflation, rising interest rates and geopolitical unrest. Many economists across the country predicted that these trends were pointing towards a recession and this concern was reflected in [...]

By |2024-08-19T11:46:44-04:0029/04/2024|Annual Reports|

2022 Stakeholder Report

CEIRP continues to experience steady growth, despite the pandemic and market fluctuations. The funds offered through CEIRP are designed to keep pace when markets are rising and to protect capital when markets are more challenged. The first table below illustrates the annual growth of the assets and membership. Assets Members 12/31/2022 $961,833,335.39 32,890 12/31/2021 [...]

By |2024-05-09T15:34:44-04:0021/04/2023|Annual Reports|
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