Spreading your savings between multiple financial institutions can make managing your investments unnecessarily complicated.
Consider consolidating them into CEIRP. Here’s how.
1) Book a meeting with a Canada Life wealth consultant who are available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm ET.
They will:
- Complete the required transfer form(s)
- Sent the form(s) to you asking for your electronic signature (DocuSign)
- Send your completed and signed form(s) to the financial institution on your behalf
- Follow-up with the financial institution in 4-6 weeks (if required)
You’ll get a confirmation once the money has been transferred into your CEIRP group RRSP or TFSA at Canada Life.
2) Alternatively, you can email [email protected] and include:
- Your full name
- The name of the financial institution, and the account number (found on your statement)
- Indicate what type of plan (RRSP or TFSA)
- Indicate you’re a member of CEIRP policy #62724
Canada Life will handle the rest. They will:
- Complete the required transfer form(s)
- Sent the form(s) to you asking for your electronic signature (DocuSign)
- Send your completed and signed form (s) to the financial institution on your behalf
- Follow-up with the financial institution in 4-6 weeks (if required)
You’ll get a confirmation once the money has been transferred into your CEIRP group RRSP or TFSA at Canada Life.
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