Managing your CEIRP account is easy on My Canada Life At Work

Get flexibility in how and where you access your group savings information with Canada Life’s member site: My Canada Life at Work™. ‌Managing your savings is easy with My Canada Life at Work. Access your plan information where and when you want. Set a retirement goal and track your progress. Make contributions. Find savings [...]

By |2025-01-23T14:55:02-05:0023/01/2025|CEIRP News|

2024-25 Deadlines for RRSP and TFSA Contributions

For your convenience, the "Important Deadlines for RRSP and TFSAs" information sheet for this upcoming season is now available. Click here to download the document. Holiday hours GRS administration offices will have limited hours on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and will be open until noon. The Client Service Center will operate on Tuesday, Dec. 24 [...]

By |2025-01-15T14:17:39-05:0027/11/2024|CEIRP News|

From Canada Life: Do you have investment accounts with multiple financial institutions?

Spreading your savings between multiple financial institutions can make managing your investments unnecessarily complicated. Consider consolidating them into CEIRP. Click here to learn how easy it is to transfer your other investments into the plan. If you find an error, please send an email to [email protected].

By |2024-09-23T16:21:45-04:0023/09/2024|CEIRP News|

UPDATED: Canada Life Launches Dedicated Webpage for Financial Webinars

UPDATED: New webinar dates! Click here to access the page. Canada Life has launched a new webpage that you can bookmark to see the dates of upcoming multi-employer education sessions. You can also enter your email address to get notification of when registration opens, which is great for those members who either didn’t provide [...]

By |2024-08-19T15:43:35-04:0015/08/2024|CEIRP News|

Reminder: Canada Life’s Policy Regarding Tax Slips and Statements

Questions have been raised regarding Canada Life’s policy regarding tax slips and statements. As a reminder: Prior to September 2022, when members logged into My Canada Life At Work, they were prompted to accept the new Terms & Conditions which included receiving electronic statements, tax slips, etc., where available. If members have NOT logged [...]

By |2024-04-30T12:21:55-04:0018/04/2024|CEIRP News|

How Canada Life Manages Our Personal Information

Our plan provider Canada Life takes rigorous steps to ensure that they protect and manage our personal information according to the regulatory standards within the financial industry. Here’s what you should know: Canada Life collects and uses data from plan sponsors and members to administer their retirement program Only data which is legislatively required, [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:51:01-04:0023/06/2023|CEIRP News|

New! Manage your Canada Life accounts online with 1 login/password

Canada Life has now simplified how you log onto mycanadalifeatwork.com to manage your group retirement savings account and your health benefits. You can now sign on with just a single login and password! If you only have the Group RRSP and/or other savings accounts with CEIRP, click here to download the simple instructions. If [...]

By |2024-10-11T10:17:14-04:0009/02/2023|CEIRP News|

Canada Life launches new dedicated phone line (1-855-729-1839) and services for CEIRP members

Canada Life has announced the launch of new dedicated services on January 5, 2023, for CEIRP plan members: New dedicated phone line for CEIRP plan members - 1-855-729-1839 Canada Life health and wealth consultants Click here to learn more and to book an appointment with the new consultants.

By |2024-03-11T15:17:21-04:0003/01/2023|CEIRP News|

Great news: Family members can join CEIRP as of Jan 1, 2023!

The Retirement Committee of CEIRP is pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2023, the benefits of the Group Plan are being extended to family members who meet the following eligibility requirements for a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and/or a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA): To be eligible to open an RRSP, [...]

By |2024-03-12T15:41:30-04:0009/12/2022|CEIRP News|

Managing your account online is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

As we get closer to the end of the year and RRSP season, members like you want to know how they can manage their accounts without going through the Canada Life call centre. To start, go to mycanadalifeatwork.com and sign in to GRS Access (savings). You can retrieve your Access ID and password from [...]

By |2024-03-12T15:41:48-04:0021/10/2022|CEIRP News|
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