How to contribute to an RRSP

Online banking

A flexible and tax-effective way to build retirement savings.

  • Just search for “Canada Life Group RRSP” in the bill payments section of your bank’s website.
  • Enter your plan number 62724 and certificate number (without spaces) to create the account number.

Lump-sum deposit

  • Complete the “Lump-sum deposit to a retirement plan” form.
  • Submit the form with a cheque payable to the Canada Life Assurance Company.
  • Mail to: Canada Life Group Retirement Services 255 Dufferin Avenue, T540 London, ON N6A 4K1

Transfer an RRSP from another financial institution

  • To transfer to your Canada Life account, complete the “Transfer authorization for registered investments” form.
  • Submit the form to the other institution or send it to Canada Life and they will take care of it for you.
  • Be sure to ask your financial institution about any transfer costs or fees.

Transfer locked-in funds
(funds that originated in a pension plan)

  • If you have money that’s still in your employer’s pension plan, you should check with them to see if you need to complete any paperwork before transferring that money to Canada Life.
  • If your money has already left your previous employer’s pension plan, just complete the “Transfer authorization for registered investments” form and submit it to the other institution.
  • Be sure to ask your financial institution about any transfer costs or fees. You’ll find all forms on You can also call Canada Life at 1-855-729-1839 for forms, more information and help with all transfers into the CEIRP.
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