Estate Planning

The Importance of Having a Will and Designating your Beneficiary

It’s probably safe to say that not many of us have a written financial plan and maybe even fewer among us have a will. But, these are these are two very important pieces that help us to achieve our retirement and financial goals. So what would happen if you didn’t designate someone(s) to be [...]

By |2024-08-19T10:32:27-04:0013/09/2023|Learn&Grow|

5 Essential Pieces to Have in Your Estate Plan

On the surface, estate planning isn’t very exciting. But, it’s actually an important part of your financial plan. It ensures that your assets are protected and that your final wishes are carried out correctly. Here are five essential pieces that you should include in your plan: Consult with a financial advisor and other experts: [...]

By |2024-03-11T16:16:24-04:0026/04/2021|Learn&Grow|
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