Use to manage your plan and make changes is Canada Life’s secure member website and where you sign on to GRS Access (Group Retirement & Savings Access)
to manage your CEIRP account(s):
- Register for online access to your account
- Check your account balance
- Update your personal information
- Create a retirement plan
- Make account changes, and more
If you aren’t yet a member of the CEIRP, but want more information, contact your local’s or guild’s plan administrator.

With GRS Access you can:
- Use the Plan your retirement tool to create a personal retirement plan:
- Envision your retirement
- Calculate how much you’ll need
- Determine your investor personality
- Select investments that match your goals
- Learn more about the investment options in your plan, including fund performance and fees
- View information about your current investments
- See your personal rate of return
- Print your account statement
- Get access to more resources, articles and videos
Access Wealthgoal and other tools and resources through the Learning Centre when you sign on through to go beyond retirement planning.
smartPATH can help you get started
Visit this interactive website for educational tools and resources to help you reach your savings goals. The link below will take you the home page of this website.
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