Each year when we spring forward or fall back, we’re reminded to check the batteries in our fire alarms. This also a good time to do a check up on your financial arrangements.
For example:
- Have you designated your beneficiary? If you have, are you still happy with your choice or is it time to make a change? Log on to My Canada Life at Work to review.
- Are you satisfied with your investment fund selection? Or is it time to review your risk tolerance? Find the Investment Personality Questionnaire here
- Do you need to review your budget and/or financial plan? If so, consider scheduling a time to speak to a Health & Wealth advisor. Find the link on our website under the “Important Contacts” tab
- Is it time to look for ways to reduce your utility costs? If so, review your bill for unnecessary services, negotiate to bundle services or just switch providers
- Remember to check your credit rating each quarter or every six months. If you need help to manage your debt, don’t forget that CEIRP members have access to credit counselling services
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