
About Lorraine Borek

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So far Lorraine Borek has created 37 blog entries.

Update from the CEIRP Office: June 2020

Member Concerns Q&A Q: I’ve been informed that there is a big possibility of a financial crash in the coming weeks and that it may last a few months. What are your thoughts on this and what is CEIRP’s position? A: Since mid-March, when the emergency measures were enforced to help slow the spread of [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:34:11-04:0002/04/2020|Uncategorized|

Update from IATSE: May 19, 2020

Volunteer to help IATSE members in need! The IATSE has launched a website entitled IATSE C.A.R.E.S. (Coronavirus Active Response and Engagement Service). In french, the site is IATSE A.I.D.E. (Assistance des Individus en Difficulté face à l’Épidémie). The website, located at EN: www.iatsecares.org and FR: www.iatsecares.org/francais/, is a new initiative designed to provide support to [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:32:01-04:0024/03/2020|Uncategorized|

Your account on MyCanadaLifeAtWork.com

Did you know that when you log on to your account on www.mycanadalifeatwork.com you can: update your mailing address and telephone number print off a duplicate tax receipt update your email address view your last statement check your account activity find out your personal rate of return change your future investment instructions check out the [...]

By |2024-03-11T16:07:43-04:0018/02/2020|Uncategorized|

CEIRP has reduced your investment management fees again!

When CEIRP started in 2004 the Investment Management Fees were 1.1%. And there have been 5 fee reductions since 2004.  Effective December 15, 2019 the Investment Management Fees in the RRSP, NRSP, TFSA and the RRIF/LIF were reduced by 0.15% and are now 0.53%. […]

By |2025-02-20T11:21:10-05:0017/12/2019|Uncategorized|
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