Talk to debt experts for free, they can help, and free webinars and tools to help you through the pandemic.  

Talk to debt experts for free.
They can help you:

  • Manage your finances
  • Pay off debt
  • Find the best solutions for you

Get expert, confidential debt advice today.
Call the Credit Counselling Society at 1-888-527-8999.
If you live in Quebec or an Atlantic province, call 1-888-753-2227.

The Credit Counselling Society is an award winning, non-profit  service that helps Canadians and their families find the best options to deal with their debt and get their finances back on track.

Free webinars and tools to help you through the pandemic

Resources to support your well-being, upcoming webinars

Do you want to learn about financial and mental health resources that can help you during these changing times? Join Canada Life representatives for Resources to support your well-being. These free and informative webinars will focus on services and support available through the Credit Counselling Society and Workplace Strategies for Mental Health.

• Thursday, May 28 at 7:30 p.m. ET (English): Join the webinar here

• Friday, May 29 at 11 a.m. ET (English): Join the webinar here

• Friday, May 29 at 2 p.m. ET (French): Join the webinar here

• Monday, June 1 at 11 a.m. ET (French): Join the webinar here

These webinars will be offered as Microsoft Teams Live events. Presentations will take up to an hour and you’ll be able to submit questions through the Q&A feature. If you plan to join on your mobile device, make sure you’ve downloaded the Teams app before clicking the link that lets you join.

We’d love to hear your feedback

Please share your feedback by completing this short survey following the webinar you attend.

COVID-19 and your savings, webinar recording Were you unable to attend the webinar, Managing your savings in volatile markets? There’s still time to watch Canada Life representatives share savings strategies and tips on weathering market volatility. This webinar can help you feel more prepared for market swings and understand how to stay focused on your longterm savings goals. Watch the webinar now.

You can also check out this video to see how GRS Access can help you stay close to your group retirement and savings plan.

Share your feedback

If you attended the webinar and want to share your feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Tell us what you think in this short survey.

Flatten your anxiety curve, webinar recording

If you missed the May 4th webinar, May the 4th be with you–Flatten your anxiety curve, you can still check it out! Questions and tips about coping with the reality of life in the time of COVID-19 were covered during this webinar. Click here to watch. The webinar is available in English only. This is a Microsoft Teams Live event. Make sure you’ve downloaded the Teams app before clicking the link.

Visual reminders to care for your mental health Workplace Strategies for Mental Health created seven posters to help support your mental well-being. They’re available for you to download, print and display in your home and office. Choose the ones that speak to you and check out more supporting resources at


Members can upload their documents to GRS Access

We want to make sure members can still send their paper documents to us quickly, easily and securely, so now they can upload them to GRS Access. It’s one of the no-touch ways we’re continuing to serve our customers.

Here’s how they can send us their documents:

  1. Sign in to their account on GRS Access.
  2. Go to the Tools and resources page and select Choose document.
  3. Upload document. They’ll see a message when they’ve successfully uploaded it.

There are some situations where the member will need to send us a hard copy of the original document before we can process it:

  • Legal documents (e.g., bankruptcy discharges, wills, marriage breakdown agreements)
  • Documents that need to be notarized or certified

Canada Life will contact members in these situations to request a hard copy.

How you can help
Encourage members to upload their documents to GRS Access instead of mailing them as much as possible. We’ll also post a message that members will see on the GRS Access sign-in page and in their important messages after they’ve signed in.

If members have questions, they can call us at 1-800-724-3402, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.


Click on the link

GLC Market Matters – May 19, 2020

Straight talk with Canada Life video April 20, 2020 Update

GLC Market Matters – April 20, 2020

The coronavirus: understanding the market reaction

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