
Navigating the new MyCanadaLifeAtWork.com Login during RRSP Season

RSP season means a higher volume of calls to the Canada Life call centre and waiting times to speak to a Client Service Representative may be longer than usual. There are a number of things you can do what you log onto your account including updating contact information and downloading a statement or tax receipt. [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:39:45-04:0002/02/2021|Uncategorized|

Update from the CEIRP Office: January 2021

Glide Path Changes CEIRP always aims to make retirement saving easy for you. With simplicity in mind, the plan offers three investment style options: No Touch featuring the Cadence Target Date Funds, which offer a single-fund solution that leaves the decisions to investment professionals. Low Touch featuring the Portfolio Target Risk Funds, which are tailored [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:39:35-04:0027/01/2021|Uncategorized|

Update from the CEIRP Office: December 2020

New sign-in page for your CEIRP plan You may have noticed something a little different when you go to log on to your account on www.grsaccess.com. You, the Plan member, will be redirected to the new sign-in page, www.mycanadalifeatwork.com. From there, using your Access ID and password, you can access your CEIRP group retirement savings [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:39:24-04:0021/12/2020|Uncategorized|

Looking forward to 2021: Reinvest in the simple things

Fatigue has been one of the recurring themes in 2020. Whether it be lockdown fatigue, isolation fatigue, cooking fatigue, Covid fatigue — you name it, we’ve been fed up. To be fair, there were times when we found reasons to smile. Many of us began to appreciate the simple things in life, and these really [...]

By |2024-03-11T16:13:10-04:0021/12/2020|Uncategorized|

Market Matters: November 2020

Highlights: News of a promising COVID-19 vaccine trial helped spur strong global stock market gains and a significant sector rotation from growth into value sectors. Beginning in 2021, GLC will be amalgamated into Mackenzie Investments and together we will be stronger as one of Canada’s largest asset managers. The drawn-out U.S. presidential election gave way [...]

By |2025-02-20T11:26:51-05:0019/12/2020|Uncategorized|
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