New! Onboarding Presentation
Each month, we will be hosting a bilingual CEIRP plan presentation for all members. Be sure to look out for your invitation to register in mid-November. The next presentation is set for November 25 between 1-2pm ET.

New! From The Desk of the National Administrator
To ensure you receive important information from Canada Life on a regular basis, simply log onto your account on My Canada Life At Work.

Reminder: Did you miss one of our newsletters? No problem, they can be found under the Learn&Grow tab of our website.

Reminder: Don’t forget about Canada Life’s financial information websites:
Smart Path
Wealthgoal: Access through your account on My Canada Life At Work

CEIRP Helps You to Improve Your Financial Literacy

One of our mandates as providers of this plan is to provide you with information that will help you save for retirement and to reach your other financial goals. To achieve this, we designed our website to be your primary information hub. Here are some key sections that you should save to your browser as a reference:

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