The Story of CEIRP

Growing your savings – for life after work.

No one should have to keep working past retirement age simply because they can’t afford to stop.

That’s why the Canadian Entertainment Industry Retirement Plan (CEIRP) was created.

And as a member of one of the many participating unions/guilds, it’s a very significant – and important – part of your membership benefits.

CEIRP is a strong, secure, national plan that grew from a seed of an idea

  • Started as a Group RRSP in 2004 by IATSE Local 891 – and then it started to grow!
  • CEIRP is now the savings and retirement plan for most IATSE Locals, Directors Guild of Canada (DGC), Entertainment Partners Canada, Actsafe Safety Association and the B.C. Council of Film Unions.
  • Collectively, 34,758 members across Canada are contributing to grow their savings for life after work, with over $1.3 billion in the plan.
  • Click here to download “The Quick Guide to CEIRP” infographic.
  • To learn more about CEIRP’s history timeline, click here.

The goal?

  • Create an easy way to save and provide flexibility and choice for different savings needs and goals.

  • Negotiate super-low fees to help you keep more of your money invested and earning over time.

  • Provide education opportunities and communication to help you make good personal decisions about finances and savings.

As membership in the plan grew, CEIRP was able to…

  • Leverage our size to negotiate lower investment management fees for members

  • Introduce more investing options.
    CEIRP offers a:

    • Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
    • Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
    • Non-registered savings plan (NRSP)
    • Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
    • Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

The future happens fast.

If you’re not taking advantage of the savings opportunities your CEIRP offers you, please ensure you have another financial retirement plan in place.

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