
About Sarah Twomey

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So far Sarah Twomey has created 354 blog entries.

Understanding How Investment Income is Taxed

Here’s a simple fact about growing your nest egg: making money is easy. Saving it can be the tricky part. That’s why it’s important to consider how your investments outside your RRSPs are taxed. To illustrate, here are three general tax treatment examples for an individual with an annual income of $85,000 and earning [...]

By |2024-03-11T16:29:11-04:0021/03/2022|Learn&Grow|

Who is Eligible to Contribute to an RRSP?

The simple answer is a Canadian resident for tax purposes who is 71 years or younger and making an income, up to the individual’s annual contribution limit. So, what if you’re on a temporary work visa or you’re a Canadian citizen who’s lived overseas for a while and have now moved back? The CRA [...]

By |2024-03-12T11:17:01-04:0017/02/2022|Learn&Grow|

It’s Never Too Late to Become Financially Resilient

We can all agree that the instability of last two years have been a challenge financially for many Canadians. However, a recent Canadian survey found that 40% of respondents were able to continue to contribute to their RRSPs, according to Benefits Canada, a financial industry trade magazine. In fact, the majority of the respondents [...]

By |2024-03-12T11:17:33-04:0017/02/2022|Learn&Grow|
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