
About Sarah Twomey

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So far Sarah Twomey has created 355 blog entries.

Overcoming Retirement Planning Procrastination

When it comes to creating a robust retirement plan, a lot of us tend to put it off. One reason may be because it’s difficult to imagine what life will be like in five, 10, 20 years from now. Another possible reason is that we may become overwhelmed by the amount of information available about [...]

By |2024-03-12T11:09:52-04:0022/02/2021|Learn&Grow|

Market Matters: January 2021

Summary for January 2021 Presented by Mackenzie Investments COVID-19 cases decline sharply amidst vaccine rollouts; virus mutations remain a concern Under heavy security post the US Capitol riot, US President Biden takes office: Signs 42 executive orders and proposes a $1.9 trillion fiscal stimulus bill Heavily shorted stocks: GameStop, AMC and Blackberry exhibit extreme volatility [...]

By |2025-02-20T11:30:27-05:0022/02/2021|Uncategorized|

Making Additional Contributions to Your RRSP or TFSA is Now Even Easier!

Most financial institutions have now updated their bill payee list to include Canada Life Group RRSP and Canada Life Group TFSA. This means you can make direct contributions to your RRSP and/or TFSA by setting it up as a bill through your online banking. Just search for “Canada Life” in the bill payments section of your bank’s [...]

By |2024-03-11T16:15:10-04:0016/02/2021|Learn&Grow|

The Socially Responsible Investments Balanced Fund Will Soon Have a New Name

For those among you that own units in SRI Balanced Fund (GWLIM), CEIRP’s Socially Responsible Investment Option, please be aware that Canada Life has announced that it is changing its name to SRI Balanced Fund (Mackenzie). Why is there going to be a name change? This change is following the completion of the sale of [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:39:58-04:0004/02/2021|Uncategorized|

Navigating the new Login during RRSP Season

RSP season means a higher volume of calls to the Canada Life call centre and waiting times to speak to a Client Service Representative may be longer than usual. There are a number of things you can do what you log onto your account including updating contact information and downloading a statement or tax receipt. [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:39:45-04:0002/02/2021|Uncategorized|

Update from the CEIRP Office: January 2021

Glide Path Changes CEIRP always aims to make retirement saving easy for you. With simplicity in mind, the plan offers three investment style options: No Touch featuring the Cadence Target Date Funds, which offer a single-fund solution that leaves the decisions to investment professionals. Low Touch featuring the Portfolio Target Risk Funds, which are tailored [...]

By |2024-03-11T15:39:35-04:0027/01/2021|Uncategorized|

Galvanize Your 2021 Financial Resolution with an Emergency Savings Plan

We can all agree that it’s good that 2020 is finally over. It was a year of unprecedented volatility across all areas of life. And it shone a painful light on how carrying too much debt and too little savings can make everything even more difficult. The good news is that things are starting to [...]

By |2024-03-11T16:13:50-04:0027/01/2021|Learn&Grow|
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