Update from Canada Life: May 26, 2020
Talk to debt experts for free, they can help, and free webinars and tools to help you through the pandemic. […]
Talk to debt experts for free, they can help, and free webinars and tools to help you through the pandemic. […]
Click on the link Understanding market volatility
GLC Asset Management - GLC Market Matters May 2020
Did you know that when you log on to your account on www.mycanadalifeatwork.com you can: update your mailing address and telephone number print off a duplicate tax receipt update your email address view your last statement check your account activity find out your personal rate of return change your future investment instructions check out the [...]
On Jan. 1, 2020 The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company, The Canada Life Assurance Company and two holding companies amalgamated. They are now one company – The Canada Life Assurance Company™. You’ll start seeing the Canada Life brand on your member site and in other plan materials starting right away. However, you may also still [...]
When CEIRP started in 2004 the Investment Management Fees were 1.1%. And there have been 5 fee reductions since 2004. Effective December 15, 2019 the Investment Management Fees in the RRSP, NRSP, TFSA and the RRIF/LIF were reduced by 0.15% and are now 0.53%. […]
Growing your savings – for life after work. Over the past 15 years, the Canadian Entertainment Industry Retirement Plan (CEIRP) has grown a lot – from the seed of an idea into a large, strong group plan. It was time to make things easier for you and to create a better, more consistent experience [...]