Canada Life

Updated: Transferring your investments from other financial institutions into CEIRP

Spreading your savings between multiple financial institutions can make managing your investments unnecessarily complicated. Consider consolidating them into CEIRP. Here's how. 1) Book a meeting with a Canada Life wealth consultant who are available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm ET.  They will: Complete the required transfer form(s) Sent the form(s) to you [...]

By |2025-02-04T11:16:53-05:0029/01/2025|CEIRP News|

How to Keep Your Personal Information Up to Date on My Canada Life At Work

One of our important jobs at CEIRP is to keep you informed about your group retirement plan. The main way that we do that is through email. And as a plan member, one of your important jobs is to ensure that your information is current. It’s easy to do, here’s how: Sign on to My [...]

By |2024-10-11T10:25:17-04:0017/09/2024|Learn&Grow|

Choosing Your Beneficiary Is Mandatory

For every account you open with Canada Life, you must designate a beneficiary. This can be a person or an organization. (“Estate” is considered an organization). It’s easy, here’s how: Sign on to My Canada Life At Work and click on the Group Retirement Plan button. From the main landing page, click on your [...]

By |2024-09-17T14:21:33-04:0017/09/2024|Learn&Grow|

UPDATED: Canada Life Launches Dedicated Webpage for Financial Webinars

UPDATED: New webinar dates! Click here to access the page. Canada Life has launched a new webpage that you can bookmark to see the dates of upcoming multi-employer education sessions. You can also enter your email address to get notification of when registration opens, which is great for those members who either didn’t provide [...]

By |2024-08-19T15:43:35-04:0015/08/2024|CEIRP News|

Getting Close: Advice about transitioning towards retirement

This article was first distributed by Canada Life several years ago. Since it’s been a while, we thought that it would be useful to republish for your convenience. You’ve worked hard to save for retirement. Now that you’re Getting Close, you will likely have many questions about the transition from saving for retirement to [...]

By |2024-06-30T19:37:07-04:0030/06/2024|Learn&Grow|

How to Start an Easy Christmas-in-July Money Saving Habit

When it’s gorgeous outside, the last thing you want to think about is the holiday season when it gets dark at 4pm and everyone is stressed out while they rush around getting their last minute items for the festivities. But, there is a way to make the season less stressful if you start planning [...]

By |2024-08-19T10:50:24-04:0030/06/2024|Learn&Grow|

Are you in the right RRSP fund?

Contributing to the CEIRP group savings plan means you’re in the driver’s seat — you decide where your contributions are invested. The Cadence Target-Date Funds are designed to generate more growth in the early years, progressing to become more conservative in the years nearing your selected retirement year. This simple, hands-off approach will help [...]

By |2025-01-15T14:18:15-05:0010/06/2024|Learn&Grow|

Decumulation 101: What is it and when should you start thinking about it?

As we all know, the primary focus of CEIRP is to help you save for a comfortable retirement. So, when you’re getting close, what comes next? Our plan provider Canada Life has posted a great article about the process on their website (How to decumulate your assets in retirement). To get you started, we’ve [...]

By |2024-05-16T16:23:58-04:0018/04/2024|Learn&Grow|

Important Financial Conversations For Couples

This is the magical time of year when everything is waking up from a long winter’s slumber. The birds are nesting, tulips are blooming and trees are budding. Spring fever is definitely in the air. It’s also the time of year when some couples consider the next phase of their relationship, like planning weddings [...]

By |2024-04-30T12:19:59-04:0018/04/2024|Learn&Grow|
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