
About Sarah Twomey

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So far Sarah Twomey has created 355 blog entries.

A spotlight on Frank Haddad, Chair of the CEIRP Retirement Committee

At the end of March, Local 891 featured a member highlight article in its newsletter about Frank Haddad, Chair of CEIRP's Retirement Committee. We encourage everyone to read it. Click here for the full article.

By |2023-12-12T10:22:32-05:0009/05/2023|CEIRP Member Spotlight|

Time to Spring-Clean Your Finances

According to a recent study by Stats Canada published at the end of March, Canadian credit card debt has increased to $91.5 billion. That amounts to a 13.8% increase in December 2022. If you’re looking to reduce your credit card use and to bring down your debt, consider trying some of these suggestions: Set [...]

By |2024-03-12T11:15:50-04:0021/04/2023|Learn&Grow|

2022 Stakeholder Report

CEIRP continues to experience steady growth, despite the pandemic and market fluctuations. The funds offered through CEIRP are designed to keep pace when markets are rising and to protect capital when markets are more challenged. The first table below illustrates the annual growth of the assets and membership. Assets Members 12/31/2022 $961,833,335.39 32,890 12/31/2021 [...]

By |2024-05-09T15:34:44-04:0021/04/2023|Annual Reports|

It’s Tax Season! Are You Taking Advantage of These Tax Credits?

Now that RRSP season is over, it’s time to look ahead to Tax season. While we know that many of you file with the help an accountant, others among you complete and file your taxes yourself. So the following short list of tips may be best suited to the personal filers. Maximize on your [...]

By |2024-03-12T11:16:25-04:0021/03/2023|Learn&Grow|

How to protect yourself from identity theft

According to the latest Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s annual report, digital frauds like Phishing, Spear Phishing and Identity Theft continue to rise. In fact, they report that there has been a 130% increase in dollar loss compared to the previous year. Since this is Fraud Prevention Month, here are some reminders on you can protect [...]

By |2024-03-12T15:45:39-04:0021/03/2023|Learn&Grow|

Who to Call When You Have Questions

Here are the contacts where you'll find answers to your important questions. Still can't find what you're looking for? Send an email to [email protected]. For general information about the CEIRP, check out our website at, or contact the CEIRP office at 416-362-2665. For questions concerning your taxes, RRSP contribution limits, Home Buyers [...]

By |2024-03-12T15:42:33-04:0022/02/2023|Important Contacts|

Top financial goals for each life stage

Regardless of how old you are or how financially savvy, every life stage has an important money-milestone. Here are a few examples: Twenty-something: You’re starting to work and make money, so now is the time to learn how to budget — and it doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. On check out [...]

By |2024-03-12T15:45:55-04:0022/02/2023|Learn&Grow|
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